Quotes about getting older

Many were the famous intellectuals, artists and writers which have left us various quotes about getting older, which, no doubt we should should reflect on. Here are some of them:


The first forty years of life give us the text; the next thirty supply the commentary on it.

Pedro Simón

If we dont take care of our caregivers, we wont have a patient but two.

Hindu Proverb

“Youth is the time to study wisdom; old age is the time to practice it.”

Francisco Quevedo

We all want to grow old, but we all deny it when we do

Salvador Dalí

Many people do not reach their eighties because they try to stay in their forties for too long.

William Shakespeare

Old age is like climbing a mountain. You climb from ledge to ledge. The higher you get, the more tired and breathless you become, but your views become more extensive.

Oscar Wilde

Envejecer no es nada; lo terrible es seguir sintiéndose joven.

Olliver Wendell Holmes

The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.